
Biden Admin Bans Senior Citizens From Holding Bible Studies

The Biden Administration is targeting Christian senior citizens. 

The American Center for Law and Justice reports that the administration is banning elderly believers from holding Bible studies inside government-funded senior living centers. 

In just the past year at least 10 centers have banned Bible studies and other religious events. The complexes have told Christians that their facilities must be neutral.

The ACLJ says it’s nothing more than discrimination and they are demanding the Department of Housing and Urban Development cease and desist. 

Time and time again, senior citizens fall victim to illegal religious discrimination. Oftentimes, Bible studies and prayer groups are formed in complexes because many of the residents are physically unable to attend church. As discussed above, federal laws and regulations are already in place to combat religious discrimination by senior living facilities. The rise in the cases we have seen, however, seem to reflect more of a misunderstanding of the applicable statutes and regulations. For example, most residents we have assisted have been denied access to an apartment’s community room or prevented from having religious decorations in an effort by management to be “neutral” or “more inclusive.” In no way does the Fair Housing Act permit complexes to discriminate on the basis of religion, which would include preventing religious activity in the name of neutrality. We have explained to each complex that this practice of excluding religious groups while including any other groups violates federal law. Following these explanations, we have been able to reach quick resolutions in most of the matters after laying out the clear and longstanding Fair Housing Act. But nonetheless, the fact that such legal action was necessary demonstrates a widespread lack of awareness of what the Fair Housing Act actually prohibits.


Some senior centers have banned Christmas and Easter decorations and others have actually banned Bibles and other religious materials. 

It appears that HUD is violating its own policies which strictly forbid any discrimination based on religious beliefs. 

In their quest to be inclusive – the Biden Administration has excluded senior saints. There has to be a very special place in the afterlife for godless bureaucrats who bully Christian grandmothers – hopefully a tent next to the Lake of Fire. Click here to get my daily newsletter filled with conservative news and commentary.

Should senior citizens be allowed to host religious events in government-funded facilities?

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