Atheists Demand Congressman Remove ‘Treasonous’ Christian Flag

A bunch of Wisconsin atheists are enraged after a Republican congressman posted the Christian flag outside of his office on Capitol Hill.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation demanded that Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) remove what they called a “Christian nationalist flag.”

“This symbol of white Christian nationalism and treason should not tarnish congressional property. It is evident that this flag cloaked the insurrectionists in a religious justification. Flying it outside your congressional office lends unconscionable legitimacy to their actions. It also sends a troubling message of endorsement for the intolerant and bigoted Christian nationalism movement as a whole,” wrote in a letter to the congressman.

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The inherent religious significance of the Christian flag is undeniable, FFRF said.

“The Christian flag was designed in the 1890s with the aim to unite all the world’s Christians under a single banner,” they wrote. “The flag’s colors and emblem — the Latin cross — were chosen deliberately to represent core Christian principles and concepts. Its white field represents peace and purity. Its blue canton signifies fidelity. And most crucially, its Latin cross is colored red to denote the blood of Jesus symbolizes Christianity itself.”

“By placing this flag outside his office, Steube is signaling that Christians of a certain ilk are favored ‘insiders’ and that non-Christians and nonbelievers among his constituents are ‘outsiders’,” the atheists wrote in a letter to the congressman.

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Just as troubling is the fact that he is lending support to a symbol co-opted by a treasonous movement connected with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the FFRF said in their letter.

“This symbol of white Christian nationalism and treason should not tarnish congressional property,” FFRF told Steube. “It is evident that this flag cloaked the insurrectionists in a religious justification. The fact that Steube is flying it outside his congressional office lends what FFRF calls “unconscionable legitimacy” to their actions. It also sends a troubling message of endorsement for the intolerant and bigoted Christian nationalism movement as a whole.”

The congressman should tell the atheists to shove their “concerns” where the “sun don’t shine.” But, he’s a good Christian man, so he will more than likely just put them on his daily prayer list. Lord knows the atheists need Jesus.

Should the Christian flag be allowed on Capitol Hill?

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