
Memphis Thugs Beat Up Elderly Woman, Kill Her Cat

A pair of Memphis thugs beat up an elderly woman on her front porch and killed her cat.

Television station WREG reports that 83-year-old Mary Holland was standing in the driveway of her home looking for her missing kitten when two men ran up and robbed her.

“I saw these two guys walking down the sidewalk, and one started running up to me, and I couldn’t run,” she told the television station.

Mrs. Holland said the thugs ordered her to turn over her keys.

“Give me your car keys. If you don’t, I’ll kill you,” the thugs reportedly told the elderly woman.

“He [twisted] my arm trying to get in my pocket. He got my keys out of my shorts pocket,” she said.

They snatched her keys, jumped into the car and proceeded to run over her cat.

Police say Mrs. Holland was the fifth victim that day of the thugs. And they are reportedly still on the loose.

Even if the catch the bad guys, there’s a good chance they will be back out on the streets by the end of the day.

Memphis is controlled by a pro-criminal district attorney who supports bail reform. His name is Steve Mulroy — a George Soros wannabe.

My recommendation is for every senior citizen in Memphis to arm themselves and their pets with firearms.

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