BOYCOTT: Liberty Safe Gave FBI Access Code to Customer’s Gun Safe

Liberty Safe, a safe company that advertises itself as “America’s #1 heavy-duty home and gun safe manufacturer,” is receiving backlash from its customers after reports have come out showing they provided the safe code owned by a J6er, to the FBI.

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Liberty Safe confirmed it gave the FBI the access code to a customer’s safe after the Feds presented a valid warrant during a raid.

The FBI contacted the manufacturer of home and gun safes on Aug. 30, 2023, requesting the code to a safe owned by Nathan Hughes of Fayetteville, Arkansas, who the authorities say attended the January 6 protests and whose home they were in the process of searching.

In a statement Tuesday, Liberty Safe said its policy “is to provide access codes to law enforcement if a warrant grants them access to a property.”

The FBI shared the warrant with Liberty Safe, which then determined it was valid.

As the raid was taking place, Liberty Safe said, it “had no knowledge of any of the details surrounding the investigation.”

In its statement, Liberty Safe said, “We regularly update our policies to ensure both compliance with federal and state law and reasonable consumer privacy protections within the law. First and foremost, Liberty Safe is committed to preserving our customers’ rights, and we will remain unwavering in those values.”

Conservative comic duo Keith and Kevin Hodge, in a Sept. 4, 2023, tweet about Hughes’ arrest, said Hodge was arrested at gunpoint, while his girlfriend was held at gunpoint and put in handcuffs, RedState reports.

According to the Hodges, “The FBI turned off his security cameras, unplugged his internet, and flipped his house upside down in a search.”

They tweeted: “We all know how heated this political climate is getting, but they’ve pushed too far and it’s time for people to speak up for people getting screwed by the system. BLM and Antifa can go burn down our cities and get off the hook, but Trump supporters get raided and rounded up for protesting.” lamented Liberty Safe’s caving into the FBI, writing in an editorial: “Most companies just fold when they get a call from the FBI, either out of fear or for wanting to ‘help’ the country’s foremost law enforcement agency, even in the smallest and inconsequential of cases.”

Apple Inc. is one of the few outlying companies to stand up to the FBI, refusing to decrypt the iPhones of the assaulters in the San Bernardino and Pensacola Naval Base Jihadi attacks. As a result, the FBI turned to an Australian company to decrypt the phones in the California case. 

At press time, Liberty Safe had not responded to an inquiry by Newsmax about their access code policies and protocols with respect to state gun laws.

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