A mob of Black Lives Matter thugs ordered white residents to leave their homes and move out of a historically black neighborhood in Seattle.
“If you look around you what do you see — a bunch of white people,” one protester shouted said. “How does a bunch of white people live in a predominantly black neighborhood? It’s called gentrification.”
“Do you know that you are living in an historically black neighborhood right now? Do you know that before your white a** came here it was all black people,” another protester shouted.
Breitbart reports that the latest tactic is for Black Lives Matter to invade residential neighborhoods and terrorize residents.
Residents in Overland Park, Kansas say they have been harassed and bullied by BLM protesters.
“I’ve lived in fear now for a month,” Amy Camp told the Shawnee Mission Post. She reported protesters in her driveway the night of the protests. “I’m scared at night. I can’t sleep. I’m worried for my children.”
Homeowners say they are continuously targeted by BLM — and some have even had their private information made public.
“What this is is political harassment,” Herner said. “When someone stands outside your house with a bullhorn and says essentially, ‘Defund the police, vote how I want or there will be no peace in your neighborhood,’ that isn’t protest, it’s political intimidation.”
This is why we have a Second Amendment, folks. Defend your property and your families.
Watch below.
Stolen black land. Sorry they sold their houses I guess? #Seattle pic.twitter.com/VEHTV6Tjz8
— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) August 13, 2020
Black Lives Matter mob demands White people move out of neighborhood and give their homes to black people. pic.twitter.com/K2ywb899zS
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) August 14, 2020