The White House Correspondents Association is a steaming pile of fertilizer.
These people are not journalists. They are a bunch of leftist hacks who spend every waking hour of the day trying to politically lynch our president.
Their behavior is repulsive.
But today – an unnamed journalist plunged into uncharted territory with a horrific question about the coronavirus death toll.
“How many deaths are acceptable,” the reporter asked the president.
President Trump, clearly exasperated and disgusted, replied, “none.”
“How many deaths are acceptable to me? None,” the president said. “None – if that’s your question.”
God has truly blessed our president with the patience of Job.
That reporter is a human pile of garbage who should be publicly shamed, shunned and physically kicked out of the White House.
The leader of the free world should not have to put up with a bunch of braying jackasses with microphones.
Trump’s response after a reporter asks him how many Wuhan coronavirus deaths are acceptable to him: “How many? None. How many deaths are acceptable to me? None. If that’s your question.”
What kind of stupid question is that?
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) March 25, 2020
What kind of question was that? “How many deaths are acceptable?” Are you kidding me? What is wrong with these people? Surely I didn’t hear that right. No, no way I heard that right. People can’t be that ridiculous. No, I’m delusional. That’s it.
— David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) March 25, 2020