The behavior of political pundits and leftwing activists in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre has affirmed my long-held believe that there is a lack of basic common decency among liberals.
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste,” that’s what Rahm Emanuel infamously said.
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Hillary Clinton used the shooting to campaign against the Second Amendment. Hollywood stars declared war on the National Rifle Association – calling them a terrorist organization. A vegan truck owner celebrated the deaths of “59 meat-eaters.”
But perhaps the ugliest harangue came from the mouth of Tessa Winkelmann, an assistant professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
On Oct. 4 she told her stunned class that she predicted “people will die” when Donald Trump was elected president.
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“Right when he got elected, I told my classes, three semesters ago, that some of us won’t be affected by this presidency, but others are going to die,” she said in a video acquired by Campus Reform and the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
“He’s threatening to declare violence against North Korea and other places,” she said. “And words, especially if they’re coming from someone who is the president, have consequences.”
The professor went on to say “all he’s done is to encourage violence.”
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told the Review-Journal she was appalled by the professor’s diatribe.
“It is sad she is teaching students such divisive, inaccurate and irresponsible rhetoric,” she said. “She should be ashamed of herself, and the university should look into it.”
Well, it turns out UNLV did look into the matter. They released a statement calling the professor’s remarks “insensitive.”
The professor also issued a half-hearted apology noting she wished she had been “more thoughtful in how I directed the conversation.”
This professor turned her History course into a political platform to spew flat-out lies about the president — with hopes of indoctrinating her students.
That’s not insensitive — it’s disgusting and unprofessional. And I suspect UNLVs alumni and donors will concur.

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