The Todd Starnes Show had an all-star line up on Monday’s show which airs Monday through Friday 12-3 PM EST live on!
Click here to listen to Monday’s show.
The third hour of the Todd Starnes Show with Dinesh D’Souza and John Roberts:

Democrats have more in common with Nazis than you might think — and it should frighten every American. Author Dinesh D’Souza joins Todd to break down the facts.
.@DineshDSouza says #antifa are true fascists: “The real fascists in America…are on the Left.” #ToddStarnesShow
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017
2:50 PM John Roberts, Fox News Chief White House Correspondent:
Roberts reports on the news that Anthony Scaramucci is out as Communications Director, leaving questions about Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer. Read more at!
2:05 PM Dinesh D’Souza on his new book: The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left:
D’Souza lays out the Left’s history of racism and fascism, adding today’s “so-called” anti-fascism movement are the true fascists. “The real fascists in America…are on the Left,” he said. Dinesh adds the Left is taking a page from Hitler’s book in their attacks on President Trump. “The Nazis got their idea for gas chambers from the American progressives,” D’Souza noted. There’s a “chilling parallel” between Nazi propaganda and the Left’s use of “political correctness.”
Democrats admired and studied Mussolini and Hitler, D’Souza said. “The Left is using this fascism card” to delegitimize President Trump. The Nazis were specialists at demonizing people, and that’s what the Left is doing today.
Residents Revolt after Govt. Removes “Offensive” American Flags
The second hour of the Todd Starnes Show discussing Illegal Immigration:
12:05 PM Todd Starnes Monologue: The Flake in the GOP
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake says the problem with the Republican Party is they are too nationalistic and too xenophobic. The real problem is that Senator Flake is a closet Democrat who wears a Hillary Clinton pantsuit.
12:30 PM Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee:
Huckabee on Flake: “Jeff Flake is a never-Trumper to begin with…part of what voters overwhelmingly rejected in the last election.” “I think that it’s time America acts like America again.” Huckabee says Republican lawmakers need to “totally repeal ObamaCare” instead of tinkering with it, and put the power with the states to decide. “They’re big government people who think that Washington can fix it.” The just want to stick it to Donald Trump. “The one thing that may save the Republicans is that the Democrats are offering nothing.” You can check him out at!
An illegal alien – deported at least 20 times – sexually assaults a 65-year-old Portland, Oregon woman:
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017
Thanks to #ToddStarnesShow listeners, we helped Nicholas Tate raise almost $15k for his mission trip! Check it out:
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017
An illegal alien – deported at least 20 times – sexually assaults a 65-year-old Portland, Oregon woman. Todd says it’s time to arrest the mayor of Portland and other elected officials who harbor illegals.
The first hour of the Todd Starnes Show: Flake-y Republicans with Gov. Mike Huckabee:
Chris Christie does it again!
At #Cubs #Brewers game. #ChrisChristie was getting razzed by fans, so he got in the face of one of them. 5:30 on @WISN12News
— Ben Hutchison (@BennyHutch) July 30, 2017
Gov. Mike Huckabee: “The one thing that may save the Republicans is that the Democrats are offering nothing.”
.@GovMikeHuckabee: “The one thing that may save the Republicans is that the Democrats are offering nothing.”
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017
Senator Jeff Flake says the Republican party has lost its way — do you agree? Call: 888-788-9910
Senator Jeff Flake says the Republican party has lost its way — do you agree? CALL 888-788-9910
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017
The #ToddStarnesShow has an all-star lineup today: @DineshDSouza, @GovMikeHuckabee, and more! Listen LIVE:
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017
Today on the show will have Dinesh D’Souza, and more…
Democrats, Nazis and the American Left with @DineshDSouza today on The #ToddStarnesShow
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) July 31, 2017