The Boy Scouts of America is officially removing the word “boy” from its name to be more inclusive – ending a storied and scandalous 114-year history. The Boy Scouts will now be known as Scouting America.
“In the next 100 years we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs,” Roger Krone, who took over last fall as president and chief executive officer, told Associated Press. “It sends this really strong message to everyone in America that they can come to this program, they can bring their authentic self, they can be who they are and they will be welcomed here.”
As I wrote in my new book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved?” the “Scouts Previously Known as Boy” began their journey down the slippery slope when it opened pup tents to gay youth in 2013. In 2015, they allowed gay adults to pitch their tents. And in 2017 they opened their ranks to girls.
By 2019, they had renamed the Boy Scouts of America to Scouts BSA and that’s when the floodgates opened.
In 1972 there were around 5 million Boy Scouts, but now, barely one million kids in America are wearing kerchiefs.
It’s a sad thing that has happened to the Boy Scouts. They abandoned their values and paid the ultimate price.
The good news is that tens of thousands of young men are joining Trail Life USA, a faith-based scouting program that places its trust in God, not the Alphabet Activists.
The Boy Scouts once promised to be morally straight, but these days, the Scouts have gone full-blown woke.