Wheaton College, which advertises itself an evangelical school, is facing fierce backlash after it deleted a post congratulation alumnus Russell Vought for his confirmation as President Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget.
The Christian college caved to progressive students and nominees who apparently suffer from a tragic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You’d be surprised how many Christians are inflicted with the malady.
Eric Teetsel, a graduate of Wheaton and now the head of the Center for American Renewal, accused his alma mater of an “act of cowardice.”
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“Nothing about their behavior was biblical or resembled the values Wheaton purports to stand for, and by deleting the post and apologizing the school has – yet again – compromised instead of standing firm for what is good, right, and true,” Wheaton wrote on X.
Wheaton said they had no intention to embroil the school in a political dispute. But their decision to delete the congratulatory post landed them smack in the middle of a political dispute. To make matters even worse, they blocked people from commenting on its social media apology post.
On Friday, Wheaton College posted a congratulations and a call to prayer for an alumnus who received confirmation to a White House post. The recognition and prayer is something we would typically do for any graduate who reached that level of government. However, the political situation surrounding the appointment led to a significant concern expressed online. It was not our intention to embroil the College in a political discussion or dispute. Our institutional and theological commitments are clear that the College, as a non-profit institution, does not make political endorsements. Wheaton College’s focus is on Christ and His Kingdom.
“We are disgusted that Vought attended Wheaton College and is representing our school in such a negative fashion,” one radical alum wrote.
Others blasted Vought for his involvement in Project 2024, calling it “catastrophically anti-children (disallowing Muslims from entering the U.S., mass deportation of migrants, persecution of LGBTQ youth).”
“You taught us ‘for Christ and His Kingdom,'” wrote another alumn. “That wasn’t supposed to mean forcing His kingdom on everyone through theocratic fascism. Where is your voice on this? I strongly encourage all other alumni and most of all Wheaton itself to speak out against the unconstitutional, anti-American actions Vought and his compatriots are taking. If you don’t speak out, at some point we in the alumni community will start taking note of this as either a lack of backbone, or eventually, complicity.”
However, most supporters of Wheaton were disgusted by the school’s gross treatment of a revered alumnus.
“So you removed a post congratulating an alum because you don’t do politics,” wrote one supporter. “This is also politics.”
“Spineless institutions like you are what give Christians a bad name,” another wrote. “You should just do what’s right theologically and let the chips fall where they may politically, rather than bow down to mobs who would not pray for prominent alumni. Is this what Wheaton is now? Truly very sad to witness.”
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“The college’s Facebook post congratulating and praying for an alumnus appointed to the White House was not a political endorsement,” another alumnus pointed out. “However, by removing it and censoring all comments on Facebook, Wheaton is only isolating itself further from the world and stifling free speech. Christ calls Christians to be in the world, not of it, but sent to it. Had Wheaton existed at the time, I suspect it would have avoided publicly supporting Joseph under Pharaoh or Daniel under Nebuchadnezzar. These actions make me embarrassed to be an alumnus.”
Even Rhodes College, which is a private, progressive school, had the decency to congratulate alumnus Amy Coney Barrett when she was named to the Supreme Court. What does it say about Wheaton College, a supposedly evangelical Christian school, that the could not must the courage to stand up to a bunch of progressive bullies? But even worse, what an ugly stain on Wheaton’s Christian witness.
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