
University of South Carolina Bans Whites From Applying for Job

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The University of South Carolina is looking for workers for its Business Success Academy. 

White people need not apply. 

Is critical race theory evil?

Campus Reform reports exclusively that the program only accepts applications from students who are black, hispanic, American Indian, or Asian. 

It’s unAmerican, it’s unethical and it’s also a clear violation of the law. 

After Campus Reform’s report went viral, the university changed its official policy. But it does make you wonder if anything really has changed. 

University of Michigan professor Mark Perry, who filed the complaint, told Campus Reform that the program was a “very clear violation of a very clear law.”

Campus Reform originally reported about the program’s racial exclusivity on May 3. The university deactivated the link soon after Perry’s report.

“Fortunately, the media attention and Title VI complaint motivated U of SC to immediately correct its Title VI violation before the illegal discrimination took place next month,” Perry said.

However, he said that the reversal raises “serious questions” including why the university was “so deficient” at enforcing federal civil rights law, if other programs have similar violations, and why the program was enacted given the school’s commitment to “equity and inclusion.”

“This is yet another example of how illegal discrimination in violation of Title VI and Title IX is so widespread and common in higher education that universities are either unaware they are violating federal civil rights laws or they are unconcerned about illegal discrimination when it advances some goal of social or racial justice,” Perry stated.

Campus Reform

The great irony is that the public educators refute any notion that critical race theory is a part of their curriculum. 

And yet the University of South Carolina was caught red-handed using critical race theory to hire workers. 

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Martin Luther King Junior dreamed of a day when Americans would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 

But Critical Race Theory has turned that dream into a nightmare. 

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