President Trump announced that he will cut off federal funding to the state of Maine if they continue to defy his executive order on transgender athletes.
Men who identify as girls are no longer allowed to compete in girls or women’s sports. The order also states that any educational or athletic organizations that do not comply would lose all federal funding.
“Many sport-specific governing bodies have no official position or requirements regarding trans-identifying athletes. Others allow men to compete in women’s categories if these men reduce the testosterone in their bodies below certain levels or provide documentation of ‘sincerely held’ gender identity,” Trump’s executive order states. “These policies are unfair to female athletes and do not protect female safety.”
The Maine Principals Association announced they intended to ignore the president’s executive order. They say it conflicts with state law aimed at protecting human rights.
The other day a young man won first place in a girl’s pole-vaulting competition. When the young man competed with the boys he came in fifth place.
“I heard men are still playing in Maine,” Trump said to a gathering of Republican governors in Washington on Thursday.
“I hate to tell you this, but we’re not going to give them any federal money, they are still saying ‘we want men to play in women’s sports’ and I can not believe that they’re doing that… So we’re not going to give them any federal funding, none whatsoever, until they clean that up.”
A recent New York Times poll found that 79 percent of Americans agree with President Trump that people born as male should not be playing in female sports.
It’s time to start playing hardball.
No more warnings.
Any organization that defies President Trump’s executive orders should be immediately defunded. Agree or disagree? Join the conversation below.