The following is a transcript of Todd’s radio commentary. Click here to follow his private page for Conservatives.
Hello Americans, I’m Todd Starnes. Stand by for news and commentary next.
A group of Wisconsin atheists got triggered by a graduation ceremony in Dickinson, Texas. That’s near Galveston.
High school principal Billye Smith quoted from the Book of Genesis – recounted the creation story. And then he told the graduates that God have given the gift of story. He said God gave all of us the ability to author our own stories.
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“In the beginning, after He labored over the heavens and the earth, the light and the dark, the land and the sea, and all the living things that dwell therein, He created man and woman, and before he rested, God Almighty gave us one final gift: The gift of story. Ladies and gentlemen seated before me, God has made you the author of your story.”
It was a pretty inspirational message.
But someone in the audience complained – accused the principal of proselyting.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation fired off a nasty letter to the school district demanding an investigation. They say school leaders are not allowed to reference any sort of religious books at public events.
“Public school students have a constitutional right to be free from religious indoctrination in their public schools, including while participating in graduation ceremonies,” FFRF’s Sammi Lawrence wrote.
FFRF said they received an emailed response from Superintendent Carla Voelkel, promising action in regard to the violation.
“Dickinson ISD will promptly address this concern, and we will ensure that all future school-sponsored events respect the First Amendment rights of students and their families,” she wrote.
For the record – the only people who walked the aisle that night were the graduates – to get their diplomas – not to get saved. And to our knowledge, no one was baptized.
I would encourage you to read my book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.” It will help you understand what the atheists are really up to.