School District Will No Longer Acknowledge “Biological Sex”

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One of the nation’s largest school districts has decided to toss scientific fact out the window for the sake of tolerance and nondiscrimination.

The Fairfax County school board in Virginia approved a new sex education policy that removes references to “biological sex” and replaces it with “sex assigned at birth.”

“A lot of the people who are opposed to the change are making the point that what we want the kids to learn is biology, not ideology,” Rev. Thomas Ferguson, of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington told NBC television.

While the school district may have overwhelming approved the changes, parents were overwhelmingly opposed.

According to the school district, they received 1,318 emails regarding the changes. 941 emails opposed to the use of the term “sex assigned at birth.”

Parents were also opposed to removing language that states abstinence is the only 100 percent effect method to elimination sexuality transmitted infections.

Parent Hope Wojciech told the board they should not support or promote students being “taught something that is untrue and inconsistent with human biology.”

“It is established at conception when an egg is fertilized and a new set of DNA is formed, with chromosomes XX (female) or XY (male),” she said. “This is what students are taught in biology classes and should remain consistent throughout the curriculum.”

Fox 5 television reports, “Supporters of the new sex education proposal said it is more reflective of the human experience. They believe it is more forward-thinking and inclusive of LGBTQ and transgender students.”

Bill Donohue, of the Catholic League, blasted the changes in a scathing column published by Eurasia Review.

“The list of changes reads like a page out of the gay rights agenda, so thoroughly out of touch with reality are they,” Donohue wrote.

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