There’s some freaky stuff going down on Rocky Top.

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has a club dedicated to providing a safe space for students who like to dress up as animals. It’s called the “UTK Furries.”

Campus Reform first reported on the kinky club noted for its quest to “create a fun and safe environment for people who are or who support furries to share their ideas freely without the fear of prosecution.”

Club president Tegan Flynn told The Daily Beacon that furries “are largely misunderstood with a large amount of stereotypes and false information about them.”

“I want people to know who are furries to know that they can share their ideas with other furries in a safe environment. In short, I want to impact the campus by letting people that we are absolutely here and happy to be here,” the critter said.

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Campus Reform reports that there more than 90 members listed on the club’s Discord plage. It’s unclear whether that includes just the fur balls or their allies.

“People are extremely cutthroat when it comes to anything related to furry stuff,” one student told The Daily Beacon. “There is plenty of reason to be afraid of coming out to certain people about it. There is still plenty of hate.”

The student went on to say that identifying as a furry “allows you to explore gender, sexuality and all aspects of identity through a character, in a way, but also through yourself.”

No doubt this news will come as a shock to longtime fans and alumni of the Volunteers. There’s no indication the club receives any funding from taxpayers.

I don’t want to unduly alarm folks, but perhaps Peyton Manning should conduct a wellness check on Smokey.

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