FLAGSTOCK: John Rich Working on Major Concert for UNC Frat Bros

Country music star John Rich said on the Todd Starnes Show that he’s working to bring a major concert to the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill to honor the fraternity brothers who saved the American flag from being desecrated.

The brothers of Pi Kappa Phi were pelted by rocks and bottles in the middle of the campus quad as they protected Old Glory from a rampaging mob of pro-Hamas agitators.

“What I was really struck about was that those boys were concerned about the flag touching the ground,” Rich told Starnes.

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“Anybody that’s ever been trained properly about the American flag, which used to be a prerequisite in this country to know how to handle the flag, is you never under any circumstances, let the flag touch the ground,” Rich said. “And that’s what they were doing. They were keeping it up off the ground. They were keeping its dignity and its respect intact.”

Rich says he’s been in touch with the fraternity and he wants to honor the young men by throwing a huge concert.

“We’re talking right now about, doing a major music event and man, I don’t know how big it might get,” he said. “I think it could be absolutely huge. I may invite some other artists to come with me. How cool would it be to have Lee Greenwood show up and sing God Bless the USA right there with those frat boys? I think it’d be incredible.”

Rich says he believes the actions of those young could spark a nationwide surge of patriotism.

“I hope we see that replicated all across the nation,” he said. And matter of fact, I think they have gone so far over the edge with the left and with these these protests. I think it’s going to ignite a tidal wave of patriotism in our young people in this country.”

Listen to Todd’s interview with John Rich below at 01:07:20 and click here to get Todd’s daily newsletter for Conservative and Christian news.

TODD: [01:07:22] So I know all about you, but I was just shouting and at and celebrating with these fraternity guys over at USC North. UNC Chapel Hill. What what was your take on that?

JOHN RICH: [01:07:34] Yeah, man. I mean, that was quite. I watched that video several times, and what I was really struck about was that those boys were concerned about the flag touching the ground. Yeah. So anybody that’s ever been trained properly about the American flag, which used to be a prerequisite in this country to know how to handle the flag, is you never under any circumstances, let the flag touch the ground. And that’s what they were doing. They were keeping it up off the ground. They were keeping its dignity and its respect intact. And I thought, man, I’ve got to try to reach out to these guys and find them. So I went on Twitter and said, hey, if anybody can help me find these guys, I’d love to do a free concert for them at some point and celebrate their love of the flag. And everybody can come around and have a big moment together. I said we should call it flag stock. I think that would love it. The perfect time. So they actually hit me back and, we’re talking right now about, doing a major music event and man, I don’t know how big it might get. I think it could be absolutely huge. I may invite some other artists to come with me. How cool would it be to have Lee Greenwood show up and sing God Bless the USA right there with those frat boys? I think it’d be incredible.

TODD: [01:08:43] It would be one of the one of the biggest moments, I think, of the year. That would be pretty spectacular. And you got to let us know about this, John, because we’ll bring the radio show down and, well, broadcast live from campus. This is that’d be incredible. Isn’t this? I mean, it’s a great thing, though, because it’s it’s as if, you know, we’ve been pounded in the ground over and over and over again. And yet here, these young boys, coming out, they’re young men. And they were getting pelted with rocks and bottles. And you’re right, John, they would not let that flag touch the ground.

JOHN RICH: [01:09:13] Well, it reminded me of the story I learned a long time ago when. They were bombing. The British were cannon balling the Patriots. And this is where the Star Spangled Banner anthem came from. And under no circumstances would the Patriots allow the United States flag to fall. And by the time that battle was over, the flag was being held up by dead bodies. The dead bodies of our patriots had been pushed up against that flagpole, piled up the flag, pushed down in between their arms and legs. And that’s what was holding it up at the end of that battle. So when I saw those young men holding that flag up, I thought, you know what? They’re tapping back into the original feeling and and point of being an American in the first place. The flag stands for everything that we have good in our country. And so I was so knocked out by them. We’re going to do something huge for them. I’m just telling you right now, I’m, I hope that this patriotic moment those boys had. I hope we see that replicated all across the nation. And matter of fact, I think they have gone so far over the edge with the left and with these these protests. I think it’s going to ignite a tidal wave of patriotism in our young people in this country.

TODD: [01:10:30] I’m with you. And and I know that Lee Lee will be there. I mean, he’ll get the truck and he’ll drive all over right now. So it’s going to be a great concert. And, John, you let us know and we will promote the heck out of that. But we also, John, we also got to praise this, Chancellor, this interim chancellor, Lee Roberts. This guy went out there personally and put it put himself in harm’s way to stand up for that flag. And my hat is off to that man. Lee Roberts is his name.

JOHN RICH: [01:11:00] Yeah. I mean, if more people would do that, I think you would see a mass exodus out of a lot of these woke schools. And you’d go, I’m sending my kid to a place where they respect the flag. Just simple as that. You know, I can’t imagine being a parent that saved up all their money for their kid to go to college, only to turn on the TV and see this horrible stuff happening where their kids are going to college. A lot of these schools, I’m sure you’ve seen are now canceling their graduations. Think about what these college students have been through since 2020. You know, they were told you have to take a vaccine or you can’t come to class. You have to take your classes online. You have to wear a mask everywhere you go. Oh, now we’re going to cancel your graduation. Oh, now they’re tearing down the American flag, and you can’t even walk on campus. Especially if you’re Jewish. You can’t walk on campus. So they have been through absolute hell from the United States government under Biden and these crazy leftists. And I’m telling you right now, I think the result of this will be a huge explosion in patriotism and conservatism amongst our young men and women in this country.

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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