Walmart Refused to Sell Gift Cards to Pro-Life Ministry

A pro-life ministry tells KWAM NewsTalk Memphis they were denied service at a Walmart in Millington, Tennessee.

Confidential Care Mobile Ministry announced at their annual banquet that a staffer had attempted to purchase gift cards for new moms who had been impacted by their ministry.

Are you surprised that Walmart denied service to pro-lifers?

Star Parker, the keynote speaker, stunned the crowd at Germantown Baptist Church when she shared news of the incident.

“We are at war,” said Parker, the founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education.


Many in the crowd at Germantown Baptist Church gasped in shock.

Cathy Waterbury, the executive director of Confidential Care, told KWAM they just wanted to honor the mothers of newborn children with gift cards.

“We were giving them to our moms attending one of our events,” she said. “That’s when he took the cards and told me he was not comfortable with that.”

Waterbury was stunned and asked the assistant manager if he was refusing to sell her the gift cards.

“He again said no and said he was not comfortable with that,” she said. “I’ve never experienced discrimination before.”

Waterbury took a photograph of the store employee and told him that he had violated her rights.

“”I called Walmart’s corporate office and was told my complaint did not warrant a return call,” she said.

So I reached out to Walmart for an explanation, but media relations has yet to respond to our inquiries.

Parker told the audience that she planned on reaching out to lawyers in Washington, D.C.

In spite of Walmart’s boorish behavior, Confidential Care was still able to honor the moms and their newborns at the Friday night gala.

They went to a nearby Kroger and the grocery store was more than willing to sell gift cards to the pro-life ministry.

I had the honor of introducing Ms. Parker at Friday night’s gala – and I, too, was disturbed to hear about the incident.

State Sen. Paul Rose, who was seated at my table, leaned over and said, “I hope you plan on doing a story about this.”

Already done, senator.

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