Family Bakery Bullied by Militant LGBT Mob Closes

By Todd Starnes

In 2013 – a small family bakery in Northwestern Oregon refused to make a cake for a lesbian wedding.

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa had no idea that their decision to follow the teachings of their Christian faith would lead to a multi-year legal battle. It’s a battle still being waged.

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Aaron and Melissa Klein were eventually punished by the state of Oregon — fined $135 thousand dollars for refusing to participate in the lesbian wedding event.

It was the price they had to pay for refusing to violate their conscience.

They also made the painful decision to close their beloved bakery – for good.

Sweet Cakes By Melissa was literally run out of business by an anti-Christian, homofascist mob.

— Todd Starnes

The left-wing bigots and bullies finally got their pound of cake. 

The Kleins made the announcement on the now-shuttered shop’s Facebook page.

“The Kleins closed their business months ago and simply now updated their page to reflect that,” said Hiram Sasser, an attorney for First Liberty Institute.

First Liberty is one of the nation’s most prestigious law firms handling religious liberty cases.

“We are continuing our appeal and look forward to achieving justice for them and all people of faith who may find themselves in similar circumstances in the future,” Sasser told me.

To be clear, Aaron and Melissa Klein did not go looking to engage in a fight with the LGBT community. The fight came to them and to their business.

Since that day more than three years ago, the Kleins have faced unrelenting attacks from the LGBT community. Their business was boycotted. They were bullied. Their children received death threats.

The Kleins were literally run out of business by an anti-Christian, homo-fascist mob.

It’s hard to believe that something like this could happen in the land of the free, the home of the brave.

But we live in a nation that pledges its allegiance to the Rainbow flag – a nation where gay rights now trump everyone else’s rights.

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